Many members ask us if they are covered for mobile massage services under the CMMOTA liability insurance plan.  The answer is yes, many members work between multiple locations. Whether it be employees or subcontractors working between different clinic locations for their employer; between their home based business and visiting clients’ homes or businesses to offer services; or even strictly mobile and only working and the homes or business of clients.  All these scenarios are automatically covered by your liability insurance at no extra charge.

Keep in mind that coverage only applies within Canada and it should also be reported when you are regularly working out of province, especially if in the territories or east of Manitoba.

If one of the locations you are working from is your home, condo or apartment, be sure to notify your home insurance provider of this as they may have some questions.  We deal with many competitively priced home insurance providers in Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan that will allow business use of a home.

Lastly, remember that you need to contact Dusyk & Barlow Insurance Brokers if you are an owner of a

 clinic (or multiple clinics), if you have need of more than $10,000 of coverage for your business contents, or you employ other practitioners either as employees or subcontractors.  In these cases, you are required to have additional insurance in place over and above your standard CMMOTA individual liability policy.

As always, please feel free to contact us with questions about your CMMOTA liability insurance or any other liability or property insurance related questions!

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