Congratulations on choosing to take the steps to have your manual osteopathic therapy (MOT) educational program approved by the CMMOTA!
This document lays out each step of the approval process for you to support efficiency and ease with the SAS processes.
Please connect with the CMMOTA, by email or phone, with any questions regarding the School Steps to Approval information.
Here are the Steps:
Complete and submit the SAS Application Form
Once you have reviewed the Benchmarks and Deliverables and decide your MOT educational program is ready for the SAS process, download the SAS Application Form from the CMMMOTA website, complete and then submit to the CMMOTA by email to: Please type “SAS Application” in the subject line.
Pay the Application Fee
Upon receiving the completed Application Form the CMMOTA will send an invoice for the Application review of $150.00. The CMMOTA invoice will describe options for submitting this payment, a receipt of payment will be issued after the $150.00 is paid.
Confidentiality Declaration
When the MOT educational program receives news from the CMMOTA that the Application for the SAS process has been accepted the CMMOTA will send the Confidentiality Declaration. The Confidentiality Declaration outlines in detail the care and actions in place to keep evidence and materials safe, secure and private. The MOT educational program is asked to review the Confidentiality Declaration, sign the document and submit the completed form to the CMMOTA.
Benchmarks and Deliverables
Once the CMMOTA receives the signed Confidentiality Declaration, the CMMOTA will send the online user friendly versions of the Benchmarks and Deliverables to the MOT educational program. We suggest taking time to review these with the Secondary Contact, and then make a Strategic Plan ( a Strategic Plan template can be emailed to you upon request for no additional fee ). The Strategic Plan will provide opportunities to identify:
- The roles and responsibilities of everyone involved with the SAS process.
- Timelines for completing projects such as evidence submission of a certain Benchmark, for example.
- A method for the Primary Contact to for gather evidence and materials (online, actual physical copies or both) to file or label everything in a logical way. Remember the CMMOTA Reviewer will be the person examining and considering all evidence and materials submitted.
Gathering the Evidence and Materials in Preparation for Submission
This step is the most time consuming and will require an organizational system for efficiency (hopefully the Strategic Plan helped develop this). Here are a couple of suggestions to support this step:
- Benchmark 1.0, Curriculum Materials and Resources, is the largest and most important of all the Benchmarks. This Benchmark will take the most time, it may be worth while to designate one person to this Benchmark while the other Benchmarks are attended to by someone else assisting with your MOT educational program SAS process.
- Designate one person to gather all the evidence and materials in preparation for submission. This person can create a SAS file(s) with the Benchmarks and all persons involved relay all evidence and materials to this one person for efficiency.
- Check off the ‘list’ as you go through the SAS process to avoid duplicating steps and to save time.
- Back up everything, having evidence or materials disappear will cost time and energy and be frustrating.
- If one of the Proof requirements does not exist at your MOT educational program, please do not stress, it does not necessarily mean your school will not be approved. Ask yourself, and your team, can we create and implement this (whatever the missing Proof is)? If not, be honest and perhaps consider implementing the quality improvement in the near future.
- We are here to support you 100%! Please connect with questions and let us be your resource, along with the CMMOTA web site.
- Preparing to Submit the Evidence and Materials.
- Review everything prior to submission! Missing a note, comment or evidence can happen very easily, to prevent submitting anything but the best, take time to review thoroughly before sending to the CMMOTA.
SAS Submission
All evidence and materials are to be submitted electronically via the Deliverables excel work sheet and emailed files. Once received by the CMMOTA a confirmation response will be sent. From this point the CMMOTA will communicate with you with questions or clarification regarding the evidence and materials during the Review process.
SAS Decision
The SAS Review, considerations, feedback, decision and MOT educational program response happens within 1 month of receiving the evidence and materials.
If successful, your MOT educational program will be granted Approval forever, unless major changes happen at your school/college and then communications can happen at that time, please see 10. below for more information. With the Approval the CMMOTA will then:
- begin to accept your MOT alumni as new members with the CMMOTA
- announce your MOT educational programs success on the Newsletter and through the CMMOTA social media avenues
- send you a SAS Approval Certificate
- place your schools name on the CMMOTA website page under the CMMOTA MOT Approved Educational Programs (a request will be sent asking permission before hand and for the logo)
If unsuccessful, the CMMOTA will provide you with recommendations on what needs to be completed in order to achieve Approval. You will be able to submit the new and revised evidence or materials up to 6 months from the date you were advised that you had been unsuccessful with the SAS process.
There is a $500.00 fee associated with the submission of new revised evidence and materials review.
EMOT educational programs that do not achieve Approval from the SAS process can appeal through a structured and objective process. If the appeal is still unsuccessful, the MOT educational program may re-apply for the SAS one year to the date the appeal was declared un-approved.
Notifying the CMMOTA regarding major updates and changes
If your MOT educational program experiences substantive changes please notify the CMMOTA. Changes that would qualify as substantive include e.g., changing location of the education program, adding a new MOT educational program, eliminating core teaching subjects, change in administration.
May this School Steps to Approval document assist you along the SAS process journey.
All the best in this exciting endeavor!
If you have any questions regarding these steps, please phone us at 403-356-1160 (Red Deer, Alberta)
or email at