CUSTOMER SERVICE – When you have questions, we know you want answers! When you have a problem, we know you want a solution! That is why we have staff dedicated to making sure that your email is answered within 1 business day! That is why we have staff that are dedicated to answering your phone call, or returning your call on the off chance that you have to leave a message because our staff are all busy meeting other members needs. That is what CMMOTA is all about! We pride ourselves on our customer service, but don’t take our word for it, here is some feedback from our members:

“I would like to thank everyone at CMMOTA!! You have been amazing support through all of this, and I truly appreciate you keeping us informed and safe! I am so proud to be a member of CMMOTA! I do really appreciate everything you do for us!! CMMOTA rocks!” -Vicki
“I have to say I am very grateful to have you all working so hard to get us back to work safely. This was a very detailed and very thought out guidelines and protocols. I like how you are taking that extra step” -Melanie
“Wow guys. Way to go above and beyond on keeping therapists and patients safe.” -Andrew
“I’d like to express my gratitude for your tremendous efforts and great work you guys did through the pandemic uncertainty. The weekly updates recap is appreciated a lot.” -Donxia

OCCURANCE BASED INSURANCE – Not all professional liability insurance is created equally. Reading the following information may be the most important thing that you read this year – what kind of insurance do you have if you’re not with CMMOTA??
The current CMMOTA insurance program gives its members both OCCURRENCE BASED Commercial General Liability (CGL) and OCCURRENCE BASED Malpractice liability coverage.
Commercial General Liability covers property damage or injury to others that may occur while on or around your business premises when you are not directly providing RMT or MOT services to them (for example a client breaks their leg tripping on a loose piece of carpet entering your office). Malpractice Liability provides coverage for injury that directly results from your treatment or failure to provide the correct treatment to the client (ie. you injure a client due to improper treatment).
Occurrence based coverage means insurance would respond to an injury claim that was brought forward, even if it was months or years after the treatment that caused the injury was given, even if the policy has been cancelled.
With a Claims Made based policy, the claim has to be brought forward while the policy is active. As soon as a Claims Made policy goes inactive for any reason, it voids coverage for all past claims. While there are ways to extend the reporting period for Claims Made there is often a cost and a time limit of only a few years for these extensions.
So, for example, for someone going on maternity leave it would NOT be advisable for them to temporarily cancel a Claims Made Based policy as doing so could result in a denial of an injury claim from a past treatment. This would leave the member responsible for paying their own defense costs and any judgments against them. Even in cases where it is unlikely that there will be any judgement against the practitioner, the defense costs can be considerable. This same scenario with the CMMOTA Occurrence Based program poses no such issues as long as it can be shown a policy was in place when the treatment occurred that caused the injury.
So does this kind of insurance cost more? Check out our professional liability insurance rates by visiting the CMMOTA Fee Schedule

LOW PRICED MEMBERSHIP COSTS – We know how much everyone values a dollar. That is why CMMOTA strives to keep our membership fees among the lowest in the Country, for both our Massage Therapist and Manual Osteopathic Therapist members. You can find a breakdown of our YEARLY membership fees in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule. We also prorate our membership fees on a quarterly basis, and starting in 2024 Membership Renewal Fees include basic professional liability insurance (breakdown is included in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule)

PERKS – One of the great things about belonging to CMMOTA is the incredible Partner Perks program that our members enjoy! These have been developed over our 46 years of delivering member services, and we are continuously trying to include more and more relevant discounts that will apply to both your personal and professional lives! It is a great way to save on some of your regular recurring costs. We have one member who maintains their membership so that they could get the discount for TD Home and Auto Insurance. This perk alone saves them more than the cost of their yearly membership fees. We also have a member who recently reported to us that their annual savings on a new phone plan from one of our Partner Perks saved them more than their membership and insurance fees combined.

Here is a list of our current Perks Partners:

PD Workshops
TD Home and Auto Insurance
Bell – various deals on cell phone services
Rogers – various deals on cell phone services
St. John’s Ambulance – 10% off
Seminars for Health – 10% off their courses
GoodLife Corporate Wellness – save up to 40%
SSQ Optional Group Accident Insurance
OrthoCanada – 10% off
Mark’s Work Warehouse – 10% off anything in the store
Noterro – 25% off
K-Taping Academy Canada – 15% off
Academy of Integrative Medicine – 15% off
CMMOTA Referral Program – earn $10 in credit for every person that you refer to our association, which are applied to future membership renewal fee costs.

WE ARE NATIONAL – Did you know that there are many advantages to being part of a professional Association that is National? Here are a few of our favorites:

Moving from one province or territory to another? Your membership travels with you, no need to switch associations in the middle of the year! All that you have to do if you are moving from Province to Province is inform CMMOTA of your impending move, and we will help you to navigate any necessary changes you may need to make (like insurance, membership certificates, changes to your direct billing setup, etc.).

We have a National voice, not just a Provincial one. CMMOTA has been busy establishing a voice with all Federal, Provincial and Territorial Governments throughout our great Nation, and as our membership numbers continue to grow, so too will our influence when it comes to advocacy efforts at both Federal and Provincial/Territorial government levels.