Welcome to the 2023 CMMOTA Spring Education Conference! We are so excited to have you join us at this event. We have a couple great course options for you.

WHEN: May 7 & 8, 2023
WHERE: We will be hosting courses in person at:
Westerner Park: 4847A 19 St

Red Deer, AB

T4R 2N7

We want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to our Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:


Interested in becoming a Sponsor at our CMMOTA 2023 Spring Education Conference? For more information: Sponsorship Registration Form 2023 – Final Please email a completed form to the office: info@cmtdev.ca. We thank all our sponsors for their generous support.


Acupressure & Meridian Massage: 14 CEC’s
Price: $425 Non-member price: $575
Sunday & Monday, May 7 & 8 2023

Instructed by Dr. Jess Reynolds from AIM Online Education

Time – 9:00am – 5:00pm

In this two-day course, students will be introduced to theoretical concepts and practical massage techniques fundamental to the ancient teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Lectures will include a discussion of our modern day understanding of myofascial lines, the 12 major meridians, acupoints, and how to incorporate acupressure and meridian massage into an existing practice. In the practical portion, students will learn how to locate 100 different acupoints, in addition to 17 different acupressure and meridian massage techniques. Assessment and homecare will also be discussed, in addition to a demonstration of self-care techniques (to be used on yourself and to share with your clients) and a comprehensive acupressure treatment for stress reduction.

Acupressure and Meridian Massage was created by Dr. Jess Reynolds, who has been practicing as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Registered Massage Therapist since 2011, and has taught post-secondary massage therapy and acupuncture programs in Alberta, along with in-person and online continuing education workshops since 2013. He is well-versed in the modern-day, scientific study of human anatomy and physiology as well as in the more ancient traditions of the East, putting him in a unique position to share how to masterfully integrate acupressure and meridian massage into an existing massage therapy practice.

Click here to register now!

Introduction to Holistic Reflexology for Hands and Feet: 7 CEC’s
Price: $179 Non-member price: $249
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Instructed by Herb Longworth

Time – 9:00am – 5:00pm

“Take a walk with me, but not before you learn the pleasure of a reflexology session!”

The course, “Introduction to Holistic Reflexology for Hands and Feet” discusses the history and recent findings on the benefits of Reflexology. Students will be taken on a journey of the Art and Science surrounding Reflexology and learn the benefits and basic treatment techniques for both hands and feet for a number of common ailments.

A knowledge of indications, contraindications, anatomy, physiology and proper techniques are all essential and key components of this course, interwoven with new and innovative concepts around a holistic approach. All with the result of enabling students to be effective in their application of this long-established therapy.

There are no pre-requisites for this course other than a receptive mind and clean feet!

Click here to register now!

Introduction to Touch for Health: 7 CEC’s
Price: $179 Non-Member price: $249
Monday, May 8, 2023

Instructed by Christine Plumb

Time – 8:30am – 4:30pm

Learn About Touch For Health® &

How it is Revolutionizing Wholistic Wellness

Whether you’d like to better help your clients, your loved ones, or yourself, Touch For Health® can help you dramatically improve your level of care – emotionally, physically, and nutritionally. The results can be truly life-changing.

As a Certified Touch for Health (TFH) Consultant, Instructor, and Assessor, I used this unique methodology to successfully help alleviate my own migraines as a young adult, and I’ve been helping students and clients use it to radically transform their lives ever since.

Finally, Make Self Care A Priority

Access this introductory to Touch for Health mini-workshop now, and you’ll learn how TFH can help you:

Increase your vitality,

Discover your reason for being,

  • Enhance your healing and recovery,
  • Identify foods that enhance your vital energy,
  • Release stress,
  • Clear mental, emotional, and
  • physical energy blocks,
  • and so much more!

About Touch for Health

TFH is a wholistic, natural, and complementary method for balancing the body’s muscles and energy system.

It integrates Western and Eastern medicine approaches to well-being in a holistic way, helping individuals to balance their posture, energy, and attitude, using muscle testing and touch reflexes.

Touch for Health helps you and loved ones to deal with stressors like headaches, back pain, emotional upset, and insomnia;

Valuable insights on how to identify foods that increase your energy and vitality, along with food sensitivities;

Effective ways to release stress and clear blocks using powerful TFH methodologies.

Click here to register now!

COST: Meals will not be provided this year. As you can see, we have lowered the cost of courses significantly to reflect this.

ROOMS: Holiday Inn & Suites, Red Deer. 

COURSE REGISTRATION LINK https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cmmota-2023-spring-education-conference-red-deer-tickets-541337564227